WordPress Quiz Plugin - How To - Modify the Text that Appears in the Front-End (Labels)

Modifying the Text that Appears in the Front-End (Labels)

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You can change most of the text that the WordPress Quiz Plugin displays on your website by editing the Labels settings.

To reach it, head to Admin Panel → CM Quiz Manager Pro → Settings → Labels tab.

Navigation to the plugin settings - WordPress Survey Plugin
Navigation to the plugin settings

In it you will be able to edit these labels.

Labels settings - WP Quiz Plugin
Labels settings

Notes on Labels with Two Placeholders

The following labels have two placeholders: (bolded below)

  • "You can't submit this quiz anymore. Maximum allowed attempts for this quiz is %d and you already have %d attempts."
  • "Passing score for this quiz is %s and you've scored %s"
It's possible to invert the order of the placeholders by slightly changing them. 
For instance, considering that a user has scored 50% on a test.
  •  "You've scored %s out of %s" will result in "You've scored 100% out of 50%."
  •  "You've scored  %2$s out of  %1$s" will result in "You've scored 50% out of 100%."  
Similarly, changing the  %d placeholders to %2$d and %1$d will also invert the order in which they will be displayed.

More information about the WordPress Quiz Plugin

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