WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - How To - Create a Bookmark Page With Notes

User Bookmarks and Notes

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Logged-in User Only Feature

Note that only logged-in users can bookmark videos and track notes, since anonymous users don't have data attached to them.

As such, every bookmark and note can only be seen by the current user.

The WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin lets each user to bookmark videos and add notes to each to keep in their profile. 

Additionally, the admin can create a page with the video bookmarks list.

TIP: How To Bookmark a Video And Add Notes?


Setting a bookmark is easy: simply click on the bookmark star icon.

Bookmarking the video - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Bookmarking the video


Every video has a note field. Write the notes down and click outside of the text area to save the notes.

Adding a note to the video - Online Course WordPress Plugin
Adding a note to the video

Creating Bookmark Page (Shortcode)

TIP: What Are Shortcodes

Shortcodes add dynamic content to your site via a small piece of code.

Learn more: Shortcodes - How To Use | Finding ID of Post/Page/Other Content

Inserting the following shortcode on any page or post will create a list of the user bookmarks which will look the same as the default view.


  • Attributes
    • navbar (1/0) - Shows the upper navigation bar allowing selection of channels and categories
    • ajax (1/0) - Defines if the videos are shown in Ajax or non Ajax mode
    • searchbar (1/0) - Shows the search bar allowing search of content in video titles and description
    • view (playlist|tiles) - defines the default view of the videos (Learn more)
    • linksbar (1/0) - shows the links to the bookmark and the statistics in the upper navigation


The shortcode [cmvl-bookmarks navbar=1 searchbar=1 linksbar=1 ajax=1 view="tiles"] will result in:

Result of using the shortcode - WordPress LMS Plugin
Result of using the shortcode

TIP: Add Bookmark List To User Dashboard

Likely the best place to add the bookmark list is on a separate tab of the User Dashboard. Learn more about it:

Bookmarks tab in the user dashboard - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
Bookmarks tab in the user dashboard

WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - User Dashboard

More information about the WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

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