WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin (CMVLM) - Settings - Notifications


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The WordPress Video Lessons Manager plugin supports sending notification to a defined list of emails regarding the progress of students through videos, lessons and courses.

You can enable/disable and configure each notification.

Available Notifications

  • Course Progress - Sent each time the user finishes watching a course.
  • Lesson Progress - Sent each time the user finishes watching a lesson.
  • Video Progress - Sent each time the user finishes watching a video.
  • Notes Overview - Sent at the end of the month with all notes created by the user that month.
  • New Lessons Notification - Sent as soon as the admin adds a lesson.
  • Video Unlock - Sent notification when video unlocks for the user. Note: this notification was introduced in version 3.5.9.

From the WordPress dashboard go to CM Video Lesson Manager Po â†’ Settings â†’ Notifications tab.

Notifications settings - WordPress Video Course Plugin
Notifications settings

General Notification Settings

  • Send notification even if lacking per video only [seconds] - Set the number of remaining seconds per video under which the notifications will be sent. Useful for issues reported on Internet Explorer.
  • Round up progress to 100% when lacking per video [seconds] - Set the number of remaining seconds per video under which the video progress will be rounded up to the 100%. Useful for issues reported on the Internet Explorer. It doesn't affect existing progress statistics.
General notifications settings - Online Course WordPress Plugin
General notifications settings

Course / Lesson / Video Progress Notifications

Configuring notifications for Courses / Lessons / Videos Progress is the same.

  1. Enable notification - Enable or Disable the notification.
  2. Emails to notify - Add one or more email addresses to notify (separated by commas).
  3. Email subject - Add the email subject using the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [course_name] / [lesson_name] / [video_name] - name of the course / lesson / video
    3. [username]
    4. [userlogin]
    5. [useremail]
  4. Email body template - Create the email template, you can use the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [home] - website's home url
    3. [course_name] / [lesson_name] / [video_name] - name of the course / lesson / video
    4. [course_permalink] / [lesson_permalink] / [video_permalink] - permalink to the course / lesson / video
    5. [username]
    6. [userlogin]
    7. [useremail]
Course Progress Notifications - WordPress LMS Plugin
Course Progress Notifications

Notes Overview Notifications

Configuring notifications for  Notes Overview.

  1. Enable notifications for notes overview - Enable or Disable the notification.
  2. Emails to notify - Add one or more email addresses to notify (separated by commas).
  3. Email subject - Add the email subject using the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
  4. Email body template - Create the email template, you can use the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [home] - website's home url
    3. [notes_overview] - lists of notes
Notes Overview Notifications - WordPress Video Lessons Plugin
Notes Overview Notifications

New Lesson Notifications

Configuring notifications for New Lesson.

  1. Enable notifications for new lesson - Enable or Disable the notification.
  2. Email subject - Add the email subject using the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [lesson_name] - name of the lesson
  3. Email body template - Create the email template, you can use the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [home] - website's home url
    3. [lesson_name] - name of the lesson
    4. [lesson_permalink] - permalink to the lesson
    5. [username]
    6. [userlogin]
    7. [useremail]
New Lesson Notifications - LMS in WordPress
New Lesson Notifications

Video Unlock Notifications

Configuring notifications for Video Unlock. Note: this notification was introduced in version 3.5.9.

  1. Enable notifications for video unlock - Enable or Disable the notification.
  2. Email subject - Add the email subject using the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [video_name] - name of the video
  3. Email body template - Create the email template, you can use the following placeholders for adding dynamic info:
    1. [blogname] - website's name
    2. [home] - website's home url
    3. [lesson_name] - name of the lesson
    4. [lesson_permalink] - permalink to the lesson
    5. [video_name] - name of the video
    6. [video_permalink] - permalink to the video
    7. [username]
    8. [userlogin]
    9. [useremail]
Video Unlock Notifications - WordPress eLearning Plugin
Video Unlock Notifications

Email Settings

Email settings - Some email servers do not accept the empty "To" header when sending the email to undisclosed recipients by BCC. You can define here the email address that will be the main receiver of that kind of emails, but your users's addressess will be still undisclosed.

Email Settings - WordPress Learning Management System Plugin
Email Settings

When you finished configuring the templates, don't forget to click the button Save on the bottom of the page.

Overriding Specific Lesson or Course Notification

You can override the notification setting per a specific lesson or video in the notification metabox found in the editing screen. The options are to accept global setting or to set a unique one per the specific lesson.

You can also do the same for the videos included in the lesson.

You can override the notification setting per a specific course, in the notification dropbox found in the course editing screen. Options are to accept global setting or to set a unique one per the specific course.

Overriding Specific Lesson or Course Notification - WordPress Video Courses
Overriding Specific Lesson or Course Notification

More information about the WordPress Video Lessons Manager Plugin

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