General Support - Enabling SMS Messages (Amazon SNS API)

Enabling SMS Messages (Connecting to Amazon SNS API)

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In order to send SMS messages, the plugin must be connected to Amazon's SNS service. 

CM plugins that use Amazon's SNS service for sending SMS messages:

Note that the service has a free tier, but is paid depending on usage.

Acquiring the SNS API Key

Create or Log in to your AWS Account

Head to Amazon AWS and create an account or log in if you already have one.

Note that this step requires entering contact and credit card information.

When the account is created, sign it to the Console:

Sign in as IAM user:

In the console page click on your account name and in the appearing menu click on My Security Credentials.

On the opened page expand the section Access keys and click Create New Access Key.

There will appear a pop-up window where you will have only one chance to get access to the generated key and store it. You can either copy Access Key ID and Secret Access Key or download a CSV file with that info. After that you can Close the pop-up window.

In the section Access keys you can see and manage the list of created keys.

Next step, navigate to the Users page - you can find it in the Access management section on the Dashboard on the left part of the screen.

On this page you need to create a user by clicking the button Add users.

Write the name of a user in the User name field and choose Access key - Programmatic access in Select AWS credential type. Then click the button Next: Permissions on the right bottom.

On the next step choose the tab Attach existing policies directly.

Here you need to select 3 SNS permission policies:

  • AmazonSNSFullAccess
  • AmazonSNSReadOnlyAccess
  • AmazonSNSRole

Then click Next: Tags on the right bottom.

Next page is optional. You can add some tags, or just skip this page by clicking Next: Review on the right bottom.

Next page is just for reviewing user configurations. If everything is ok, click Create user on the right bottom.

When the user is created you can either copy Access key ID and Secret access key in the table, or to download a CSV file with that info. 

Note: You will need use these keys in our plugin, so make sure to copy or download them until you click the Close button.

When you clicked Close, you can view and manage created users in the table.

Last step, click on the Services menu on the left top and head to Console Home.

In the following page you need to open the menu on the right top to choose one of the supported AWS Regions. Pay attention to the code name next to each region - you will need to write a relevant region in the plugin field.

Learn more: Supported Regions and countries.


Example of result data that you will need for connecting with the plugin: 


AWS SNS API Secret: 5K37asqzaWojRe+XRFQHma7b7Fseuu843DMNyQWz

AWS SNS Region: us-east-1

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