WordPress FAQ Plugin (CMFAQ) - Use Case - How to Let Users Suggest Questions and Add Them to Your FAQ Knowledge Base

Use Case – How to let users suggest questions and add them to your FAQ knowledge base.

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The WordPress FAQ plugin is a tool that allows you to build a frequently asked question (FAQs) knowledge base on your WordPress site. 

CM FAQ Community Submission Add-on allows users to add questions and answers to your FAQ knowledge base. Includes moderation tools, Captcha support and GDPR compliance features, such as a Terms of Service pop-out.

Use Case Front-End

User side - suggesting a question:

Form for suggesting a question - FAQ Plugin WordPress
Form for suggesting a question

Admin side - moderation:

Admin moderation - Best FAQ Plugin WordPress
Admin moderation

User side - after moderation:

Approved question on the front-end - WordPress FAQ Plugin With Search Bar
Approved question on the front-end

Use Case Assumptions

We assume that you have already bought the CM FAQ Community Submission Add-on, but not installed it yet. The add-on requires the base WordPress FAQ plugin. We suppose you already know how to create your FAQ knowledge base. If not, you can learn more about it in our detailed guide: WordPress FAQ Plugin (CMFAQ) - Use Case - How to Prepare a Comprehensive FAQ Database (+ Shortcodes)

In this example we will consider how to let your users suggest question and add them to your FAQ knowledge base.

It follows:

Installing the Plugin

The process is the same for all CM plugins and add-ons.

CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard - Downloads tab
CreativeMinds Customer Account Dashboard
  • Download the plugin from your customer dashboard.
  • Log in to WordPress and navigate to the WordPress Admin → Plugins settings.
  • Click on Add New.
  • Activate it and add the license.

Learn more: Getting Started - Plugin Overview

Setting up

The most part of setting up of the add-on happens in one tab. Navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM FAQ → Options → Community Submissions tab.

Community submissions settings - FAQ Search WordPress Plugin
Community submissions settings

There you can see a few sections with settings - let's consider all of them step by step.

Suggest Submission Form

First section is Suggest Submission Form. This is main section where you enable submission form. The options are:

  • Page ID - The ID is a number that uniquely identifies pages. The ID input in this field will be automatically linked from the plugin settings.

    Post ID - WP Responsive FAQ With Category Plugin
    Post ID
  • Allow user to edit submissions - A core feature of this add-on.
  • Allow user to delete submissions - Choose it to allow users to delete their submissions.
  • Allow anonymous users to add submissions without specifying an email address - This applies only if anonymous users can submit questions. More detailed about it lower in the Moderation section. 

    Suggest submission form settings - Q&A WordPress Plugin
    Suggest submission form settings

Community Submissions Labels

Second section is Community Submissions Labels. In this section you can change the labels that the user can see on his Dashboard.

Community submissions labels on the front-end - Frequently Asked Questions Plugin WordPress
Community submissions labels on the front-end

The labels are:

  • Link text
  • Label: question
  • Label: modification date
  • Label: creation date
  • Label: edit question
  • Label: delete question

    Community submissions labels settings - WordPress FAQ Schema Plugin
    Community submissions labels settings

Security (Captcha)

Third section is Security. Captcha is a test designed to filter bots, so it is recommended to turn it on and configure - that way you can restrict your site from undesirable content and overloading.

A properly configured Captcha should result in a test like this:

Example of the Captcha - Accordion FAQ WordPress Plugin
Example of the Captcha

It is very easy to configure. Learn more about how to do this it in our detailed guide: General Support - reCAPTCHA - What is It and How to Enable

In result you need to get  Site key and Secret key - and enter them to the corresponding fields, and enable the Show Captcha option.

Captcha settings - WordPress Searchable FAQ Plugin
Captcha settings


Fourth section is Moderation Settings. Here you define if it's needed to moderate new questions and answers or not, and who can add and edit them. The options are:

  • Moderate new questions - Enable it if you want to moderate all new questions.
  • Moderate new answers - Enable it if you want to moderate all new answers.
  • Who can edit questions - Select which roles can add questions. Select multiple by holding down the CTRL/CMD key.
  • Who can edit answers - Select which roles can add answers. Select multiple by holding down the CTRL/CMD key. Note: this option will work only if the previous option works too. The user is not allowed to add the answer without question.
  • Display moderated submissions on the User Dashboard - Enable it if you want to display moderated submissions on the User Dashboard.

    Displaying moderated question in the user dashboard - WordPress Plugin for Expanding FAQ
    Displaying moderated question in the user dashboard
    Moderation settings - WordPress FAQ Plugin
    Moderation settings

Star Rating

Fifth section is Star Rating. The options are:

  • Enable rating submissions? - Enable it if you want to enable rating submissions.
  • Display numerical rating - Enable it if you want to display numerical rating.
  • Display rating on top - Enable it to display rating above the answer. Otherwise it will be displayed under the answer.
  • Display number of rating - Enable it to display the number of people, who rated the answer.

    Star rating settings - FAQ Plugin WordPress
    Star rating settings

    On the Front-end:

    Star rating on the front-end - Best FAQ Plugin WordPress
    Star rating on the front-end

Notification Settings

Sixth section is Notification Settings. Here you can configure who and how can get the notifications about current status of new questions and answers. The options are:

  • Admin panel notification - Enable it if you want to get notifications in the admin panel when new submissions are added.

    Admin panel notification - WordPress FAQ Plugin With Search Bar
    Admin panel notification
  • Admin email notification - Enable it if you want to receive a notification about every new submission by email.
  • Admin email notification subject - Customize the subject of the email notification.
  • Admin email notification text - Customize the text of the email notification. Works only when Admin email notification is enabled. You can use the tag [submission] to display the name of the submission.

    Notification settings - FAQ Search WordPress Plugin
    Notification settings
  • User email notification - Enable it to send the user an email notification when the status of the submission has been changed.
  • User email notification subject - Customize the subject of the email notification.
  • User email notification text - Customize the text of the email notification. Works only when User email notification is enabled. You can use tags [submission], [old] and [new] to display the name, old and new statuses of the submission.

    User email notification template - WP Responsive FAQ With Category Plugin
    User email notification template

Form Labels & Placeholders

Last section is Form Labels & Placeholders. In this section you can rewrite/translate lots of labels and placeholders. You can find the whole list of labels that you can change here: CM FAQ Community Submissions - Form Labels & Placeholders.

Also, in this section you can find a few checkboxes:

  1. Show the excerpt field? - Enable it to display the excerpt field in the form on the front-end.
  2. Show the categories field? - Enable it to display the dropdown with categories in the form on the front-end.

    Note: every question must belong to any category, so it is strongly recommended to enable this option in case if you allow the users to publish submissions without moderation. If you don't enable the option  Show the categories field?, and you moderate the submissions, then you need to set the category to each question manually.

  3. Show the tags field? - Enable it to display the dropdown with tags in the form on the front-end.
  4. Show the allow voting field? - Enable it to display the checkbox Allow voting in the form on the front-end.


Front-end form for suggesting questions - Q&A WordPress Plugin
Front-end form for suggesting questions

At the end, when everything is configured, don't forget to click the Save Changes button:

Saving the changes - Frequently Asked Questions Plugin WordPress
Saving the changes

Terms of Service

One of the tools that the plugin provides to ensure users have control over their data is a disclaimer with your terms of service. The subject is closely tied with the GDPR (General Data Privacy Regulation). Please, read more about it in our article: User Data Privacy and GDPR Compliance

To configure the disclaimer, navigate to Admin Dashboard → CM FAQ → Options → GDPR Settings.

GDPR settings - WordPress FAQ Schema Plugin
GDPR settings

There you can enable the option Show disclaimer for first time users?, and write your disclaimer text in the form below. The disclaimer will be displayed when the user navigates to the page with a form for suggesting a submission. If the user rejects the terms, he will be automatically redirected to the homepage.


Front-end example of the disclaimer - Accordion FAQ WordPress Plugin
Front-end example of the disclaimer


The add-on has a few shortcodes:

  • [faq_community_question]  - Suggest a Question Form.
  • [faq_community_submissions_link] - Suggest a Submission Link.
  • [faq_submissions_dashboard] - Community Submissions Dashboard.

Let's consider them more detailed. 

Suggest a Question Form

By default, when you install the plugin the page with a form for suggesting submissions is created automatically. But you can place it on another page using the shortcode [faq_community_question] . Note: if you place the form on another page, don't forget to set new Page ID.


  • showexcerpt - Hide or display the excerpt field (0 hides it, 1 displays it)
  • showcategory - Hide or display the categories selection field (0 hides it, 1 displays it)
  • showtag - Hide or display the tags selection field (0 hides it, 1 displays it)
  • showvote - Hide or display the voting field (0 hides it, 1 displays it). 

Example of using: [faq_community_question showcategory=1 showvote=1]

Shortcode for displaying a suggestion form - WordPress Searchable FAQ Plugin
Shortcode for displaying a suggestion form

Result on the front-end: There will be displayed the standard form with a possibility to choose the category and Allow voting option.

Suggestion form on the front-end - WordPress Plugin for Expanding FAQ
Suggestion form on the front-end

Suggest a Submission Link

You can place a link for a page with a submission form anywhere you need using the shortcode [faq_community_submissions_link]

For example, you can place it on the FAQ page:

Adding a shortcode for displaying a link to the suggestion form - WordPress FAQ Plugin
Adding a shortcode for displaying a link to the suggestion form

Result on the Front-end:

Link to the suggestion form on the front-end - FAQ Plugin WordPress
Link to the suggestion form on the front-end

User Dashboard

The last shortcode [faq_submissions_dashboard] is used for placing Community Submissions Dashboard, or simply speaking - User Dashboard.

On that dashboard the user can manage the questions he created: view, edit or delete them. Also, there is a link Suggest a question.

User dashboard - Best FAQ Plugin WordPress
User dashboard

End Result

Following instructions found in the plugin and guides, you should be able to configure the add-on and let users to suggest questions and add them to your FAQ knowledge base.

Use Case Front-End

User side - suggesting a question:

Suggesting a question - WordPress FAQ Plugin With Search Bar
Suggesting a question

Admin side - moderation:

Admin moderation - FAQ Search WordPress Plugin
Admin moderation

User side - after moderation:

Approved question on the front-end - WP Responsive FAQ With Category Plugin
Approved question on the front-end

More information about the WordPress FAQ Plugin

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