Multi-Vendor Marketplace - Supplier - Reports

Order Reports (Supplier Side)

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To access reports about your orders, navigate to Reports → Orders on the Supplier Dashboard.

Here you will find a detailed report of all of your orders, including Quantity Sold, Subtotal, and Net Income.

It is possible to apply filters based on dates and group the results by time period: Day, Month or Year.

The chosen report can have its results exported into a CSV file. 

Products Reports (Supplier Side)

Similarly, the supplier can access reports on his or her products grouped by categories: Bestsellers, Ordered Items, Most Viewed and Low Stock.

Bestsellers Report

Shows the products that were sold in the highest quantity in a specified period of time.

Ordered Items Report

Shows all products that were ordered in a specified period of time.

Most Viewed Report

Shows the products that were viewed the most times in a specified period of time.

Low Stock Report

Shows the products for which stock levels are low.

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