Appointment Booking Calendar - Settings - General Settings

General Settings

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You can find the general settings in the Appointment Booking Calendar plugin menu, under the Options item.

Navigation to the plugin settings - WordPress Plugin for Scheduling Consultations
Navigation to the plugin settings


You can find several options to customize the calendar appearance:

General settings - Best WordPress Scheduling Plugin
General settings
  • First day of the week - defined which day will show first on the front view of the calendar. This settings it for all calendars defined.
  • View of the calendar - The default view of the calendar (Day, Week, Month)
  • Small screen (mobile) max width - Input a number in pixels. If the device screen is smaller than this number, the view will be changed to "Day" by default.

    If you set to 0, the screen size will not be taken in account.

    This setting improves the mobile view, as the Day view is smaller, and therefore best suited to smaller screens.

  • Search for an open slot - define within how many days range calendar will look for an open slot when user load the calendar. Setting a high value might cause a slowness in calendar load in case the calendar is busy. 
  • Send email reminder before appointment [hours] - Setting 0 disables the option.
  • Display booked slots on calendar - Choose yes to display the number of available and total spots for each event. 


    Displaying the amount of booked slots - WordPress Scheduling Plugin
    Displaying the amount of booked slots

    If the event has an opening and the user has the relevant permission, the + icon will be visible. Clicking on it directs the user to create an event from the back-end.

  • Show email in Booking title - Adds the user email to the name of the booking. You can see this in the bookings dashboard, as shown:

    Including email to the booking title - Appointment Scheduling Plugin WordPress
    Including email to the booking title
  • Show timezone in booking title - Allows you to see timezone in booking title.
  • Calendar time format - Allows to choose either 12 or 24 hours time format for calendars. Note: this option was introduced in version 2.4.0.

    Changing the time format - Event Booking Calendar WordPress Plugin
    Changing the time format

Multiple Bookings

It is possible to make multiple booking choice since the version 1.8.0. The following options allow you enable/disable this feature.

Mutliple bookings settings - WordPress Calendar Booking Plugin
Mutliple bookings settings
  • Book whole day allow - Choose Yes to display buttons that allow users to book whole day.
  • Book whole day button title - Here you can edit the text of the button for the whole day booking. 
  • Allow multiple bookings (days and slots) - Choose Yes to allow users make multiple bookings of individual slots and whole days.
  • Remove text tooltip - Choose Yes to hide the text tip about how to make the multiple selection on the front-end.

Learn more about multiple booking in this guide: Appointment Booking Calendar - Appointments - Multiple Bookings Choice

Email Sender

The following options allow you to configure name and email that will be displayed in email notifications that user get.

Email sender settings - Booking Plugin WordPress
Email sender settings
  • From Name - Write here the name of sender.
  • From E-mail - Write here the email of sender.

Discussion Form

Specifying the discussion form page - WordPress Plugin for Scheduling Consultations
Specifying the discussion form page
  • Discussion form page - This is a preselected page which is generated once plugin is installed and includes the shortcode for the discussion option. You can change this page while selecting another one.

Rejection Time

Setting up allowed time for rejection - Best WordPress Scheduling Plugin
Setting up allowed time for rejection
  • Send email to reject booked credit time before [hours] - In this field you need to put the amount of hours that the user will have before the beginning of an appointment to reject it. This option is related only to the Time Credit bookings. Learn more about this feature in this guide: Appointment Booking Calendar - Use Case - How to Set Up User Time Credit

    Note: this option was introduced in version 2.2.0.

Calendar Tiles View & Meta Data

Note: the options in this section were introduced in version 2.2.5.

Calendar tiles view and meta data settings - Appointment Booking Calendar
Calendar tiles view and meta data settings
  • Allow to display meta data from Calendar - Choose Yes if you want to display meta data in the header of each calendar: calendar name, calendar description and calendar image (if it is added).

    Displaying meta data - WordPress Scheduling Plugin
    Displaying meta data
  • Display Calendar Name - This is a separate option that allows you to enable or disable displaying the name of the calendar. Note: this option was introduced in version 2.2.7.

    Displaying the calendar name - Appointment Scheduling Plugin WordPress
    Displaying the calendar name
  • Display Calendar Description - This is a separate option that allows you to enable or disable displaying the description of the calendar. Note: this option was introduced in version 2.2.7.

    Displaying the calendar description - Event Booking Calendar WordPress Plugin
    Displaying the calendar description
  • Header for Calendar Tiles block - You can edit the header of the page with tiles view of the list with all calendars.

    Headere for the tiles view - WordPress Calendar Booking Plugin
    Headere for the tiles view
  • Set Calendars output page ID - Set ID of the created in advance page for calendars output from the calendar tiles view page.

Note: Learn more about Tiles View feature in this guide: Appointment Booking Calendar - Calendars - Tiles View Catalog of Calendars

Adding ReCaptcha

if you want to reduce potential automatic spam request you should add a recaptcha keys in the plugin general setting. Once added all forms for all calendars will have reCaptcha at the bottom of the form.

reCaptcha settings - Booking Plugin WordPress
reCaptcha settings
  • reCAPTCHA API site key - Write here generated API site key.
  • reCAPTCHA API secret key - Write here generated API secret key.

Learn how to get a reCAPTCHA key: General Support - reCAPTCHA - What is It and How to Enable - CreativeMinds Products Documentation

General WordPress Settings

Some general settings are controlled by WordPress settings. The Date Format shown on the calendar and also the Time Format are taken from your WordPress site general settings.

Date and time format site settings - WordPress Plugin for Scheduling Consultations
Date and time format site settings

More information about the Appointment Booking Calendar plugin for WordPress

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