Fancy FAQ - Manage Categories

Create Questions Categories

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To create your set of categories, go to CMS → FAQ → Categories in the Magento Admin Panel . Here is the grid with questions categories.

To add a new Category click on the "Add New" button.

In the New Category form, the admin must fill up the following fields:

  • Category Name: define the category name
  • Pick Parent Category: Defines if it will be main or sub-category. If it is one of the main Categories, leave it empty. If you want to create a sub-category, choose the parent category from the dropdown.
  • Is visible: defines if the Category is visible on frontend or not.
  • Position: defines sort order of Categories

Categories that are set to be visible, will be shown on the FAQ page as the screenshot bellow.

When questions are added to each category, they will appear on the right side of the screen.

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